A Student’s Testimony
Adam Hartigan, Student
Profound Sound Band, Shades of Praise, Guitar
An Unlikely Music Student
“I have been a proud student of Eric Rainwater for almost 13 years. When I started taking classes from Mr. Rainwater as a seven year old, I had no aspirations of progressing far in music, let alone find any use for music outside of earning credits in school.
“Immediately, however, I was introduced to an incredible musical atmosphere in my Band, Choir, and Guitar classes in which I was able to be involved in an environment of likeminded and Christ-fearing individuals and receive some of the finest musical training available. In band, I was quickly taught an instrument and brought up in the basics of music and made valuable friendships.
Structured Progress
“Over the years, the training progressed at a rapid yet structured pace — in most school settings, bands tend to stay stagnant, but Mr. Rainwater’s teaching philosophy was to continuously improve each individual’s musical ability by challenging them and bringing them up with skill and patience. Each of my 11 years in band, songs would slowly get harder, and the rewards (such as playing the “1812 Overture” in a performance) would become greater and greater.
“At the end of my band career, I played songs in almost every style imaginable (classical, rumba, tango, jazz, rock, movie/blockbuster, Broadway, blues, folk, swing, etc.) and mastered two instruments, guitar and baritone.
Far More than the Basics
“In my guitar class and private lessons with Mr. Rainwater, we started with basic chords in week one to being able to play technically advanced songs in merely one year.
“Far more than teaching mere chords and basic guitar theory and technique, Mr. Rainwater teaches classical, bluegrass, blues, jazz, rock, and flamingo styles as well as theory, piano interpretation, transposition, song writing, four part choral writing, etc. His guitar classes and private lessons truly helped shape me as a musician and inspired me to take my music outside of the classroom and into the public arena.
Choir - Especially Rewarding
“In choir, I was introduced to the musical theater scene, and learned how to manage memorizing a large script, learned stage directions, was given training in singing harmonies, among many other things. Choir was especially rewarding for I got to participate in God-honoring productions that proclaimed the Gospel truth of Jesus Christ.
Excellent Preparation for College
“Now, as a 20 year old, I am taking music classes at the college level. I found it strikingly alarming of how ill-prepared my counterparts were in these music classes.
“For example, in my advanced music theory class I took last semester, a class of 30 dropped to a class of 15 and, of that class of 15, 5 failed, 7 barely passed, and I finished at the top of my class with an A. The students in these classes claimed to have been involved in music for a year or two at their schools but knew little of foundational musical knowledge such as how to read music, rhythm, musical terminology, chords, and the like.
“I attribute my success in this class and others to the excellent teaching I received from my years of learning under Mr. Rainwater. He truly prepared the road of success in my life in terms of my musical achievements.
Now a Worship Leader and Teacher
“Outside of school, I use my music in service at my church as a worship leader and mentor to young musicians. Also, I teach private guitar lessons structured much like my lessons with Mr. Rainwater were. This, again, I can attribute to the musical knowledge, skill, and passion that I received from my time with Mr. Rainwater over the years. He is one of the finest music teachers in the area and I have been honored to learn from him over this past decade.
“If you are looking for a musical environment in which your kid will be exposed to an excellent Christian community and in which they will be given top-of-the-line musical teaching, look no further than the music programs offered by Eric Rainwater.”
— Adam Hartigan
Fall Sememster Begins In